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Type the keyword you want in the box above

Sorry- we no longer carry peel-off stickers:

Keyword Category word Theme Shapes Product code
eg: beadalon, Czech, snapeez, horse, bust, birthday, organza eg: finding, sterling cloisonne, bulk, words, alphabet, display, tool eg: love, wedding, seaside, Australiana, animal, bomboniere eg: heart, star, square, ribbed, round, lines, diamond, faceted eg: M405, M001

Colour search: Click to search the beads file for a particular colour

Search Tips: Examples
Do not use plurals search for flower, not flowers
Look for one word rather than two birthday rather than happy birthday
Parts of words will get even more results day will find mothers day and birthday
  fair will find fairy and fairies, seed will find seed beads
You can look for a product's code number M405, or just 405

Contact Us:

John or Wendy Carmichael, craft.ontheinternet, PO Box 1171 Bowral NSW 2576

contact us, Phone 02 6552 4188
(ABN 48 750 611 700)

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