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foil stickerSticker 148Gallery of customer's craft projects using stickers, charms and beads


Craft Project Gallery

We no longer sell peel-off stickers or charms

Candles with peel-off stickers and Gold charms
using gold Rose charmChristening candle with charm and stickers21st in holgraphic stickerGold star stickersusing Gold Xmas charm
click on candle to enlarge

Jewellery Boxes by Mark Plott
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Mark says: "Your stickers are amazingly beautiful and the best I've found anywhere. I love the durability and versatility of the designs. When designing my boxes, I can leave or remove any punches I desire. The designs lend well to painting, and I am even working on a design to fill in with colored sand. I will forward pictures when complete. I am sending some pictures of my customer's favorite boxes to use as you wish. I wanted to compliment you on your great products and customer service and I look forward to trying out some more designs. Thank You and God Bless."  Click to email Mark about his designs

Egg artistry by Maureen Williams
- click for more pictures and instructions
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click to see border stickers   click to see decorative line stickers

Jewellery bowl made from Ostrich Egg

Click to see all our DIY transfers
The egg shell is shaped as a stylised map of Australia. In the centre is our T018 dolphin transfer.  
Click to email Debby Brown about her design

Cards using Peel-off stickers by Pat Scott

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Cards using Photos & Peel-off stickers by Bronwyn Reid

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inserts- Click to enlarge click to enlarge insert- Click to enlarge

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Bronwyn has long had a great love of photography, and crafting & selling her heritage style cards for all occasions has provided an outlet through which she is able to share her passion for this very rewarding hobby. She often makes personalised cards and has many examples recorded should you wish to see more. Every card is different, and all are decorated inside as well as out, with parchment inside the darker cards.
Contact New Oak Cards, Bronwyn Reid, ph: 0351661525. email:


Cards using Peel-off stickers and 3D foam pads by Shirley Fernie

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Make your own wrapping paper using peel-off stickers

click to enlarge   click to enlarge
Using a sponge, ink pads and silhouette technique, you can make beautiful papers.
Farah Sethna from the UK has provided a complete illustrated guide for you to download:

click here to download the guide in pdf format (646K)


Souvenirs using gold-plated charms
Ear rings made from our beads
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Memory Wire Bracelets and Necklaces- Ideas Gallery

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Phone: 02 65524188

Mail to: Craft.ontheinternet, PO Box 1171 Bowral NSW 2576, Australia

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