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If you only want organza bags please go to organzabags.com.au


Order on-line, no parking, no waiting, no petrol, no queues. Orders can be done a little at a time, your computer will remember where you are up to, so don't worry if you get interrupted. Yes, we do sell to the general public, you don't need an ABN number to order from us!

click to learn more about e-PathAll our products have clear photos, each with a scale ruler so you can see how big they are. You don't have to use your credit card on-line to complete your order, in fact, you don't need a credit card at all, we accept other payment methods.

Our business is totally dedicated to you, the on-line buyer, we don't have a retail shop. Everything is focused on processing your on-line orders as quickly as possible, with the best prices for you.

craft.ontheinternet was Established in 2001, and is owned and run by John & Wendy Carmichael,
Your Australian online craft store
53a High St Taree NSW Australia 2430
contact us
Phone 02 6552 4188

Wendy and John (and Daisy)


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This Web page designed and written by John Carmichael
© . Command Computers
telephone (0265) 52 4188