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Beading Project© - Flower necklace made with Sieve

M801g leaf bead
bell bead
filagree bead
M015 chain
M113u Sieve

These fantastic sieves are so fun to use and make stunning jewellery. You can link them with chain to make a necklace. Use them as a brooch, or as an earring.

Just let your imagination run wild!

Freshwater Pearl Earring on sieve

click to enlarge


  • Make your thread long enough

  • Keep tension on the bead that has been pulled through so that it doesn't become loose.

  • Thread your needle back through the same hole it came through

  • Don't leave any gaps (so you can't see the sieve)

Red crystal piece using sieve M113u without the base
click to see more


Use these product codes to get all you need to make these pearl earrings:

click to see more click to see more click to see more
M721c (large)
Black potatoes freshwater pearls
Black 10/0
seed beads
Ear clip with base
in gold and silver
click to see more click to see more click to see more
M721b (small)
Black potatoes freshwater pearls
Big eye assorted needles
Bead thread in black, white and ivory

Instuctions on how stitch beads into a sieve:

Knot the thread at the back of the sieve (add a dab of glue for security)
step1- secure knot

Pull knot tight
pull knot tight

Put a bead on the needle, then a seed bead
thread on seed bead

Thread back through the bead (not the seed bead)
back through bead

Thread through the same hole in the sieve.
into sieve

The seed bead will act as a stopper.

Pull the thread to tighten
pull in the thread

Continue this process until all holes are used
keep going until its full!

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