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Tools for Beading and Jewellery

Find the perfect tool for the job. From beginners bead tools sets and pliers to the deluxe plier set. Our range has wire working tools for sterling silver wire and bead wires. Our range includes jigs, memory wire cutters, crimping pliers, and much more.


All Tools
Jumpring Opening Tools Pliers
All Tools
Miscellaneous Tools
Adhesive Tools
All Tools
Jumpring Opener
Cutting Tools
Misc Tools
Wire Tools
Reamers Rounding Wire Tools Mallets Mandrels
Wire Tools
Wire Tool


More information-
-Jumpring Tool
-Jewellery Makers Cement
-Cup Burr Tool
-Bead Reamers
-Beading Board
-Bead Stopper

-Bead Nabber
-Jewelry Shield
-Chain Holding Station
-Bead Knotting Tool
-The Coiling Gizmo
-Wire Writer

Specially designed jewellery-making tools

Jewellery making plier set
click to get pricing

See the tools catalogue here

Jump ring tool M002j click to order

M002p click to order


M002m Micro Crimpers

M002p Crimping Pliers


Gives a professional round finish for crimps,
no sharp edges, holds tight on the thread.

Click the picture or product codes, to add to your order.

See all our tools for beadworking and jewellery making here


M02-d click to enlargeM02-d is a flat-nose plier with nylon jaws

Use these to straighten headpins and remove kinks from wire. Click the picture to see a detailed view of these pliers




click to see pricingM02-a is a multi-strand shear

Use this one for cutting multi-strand wires like softFlex and Beadalon

M02-m Flush cutter

M002a -click to enlargeM002a-click to enlargeM002a is a round-nose wire- looping plier with a recessed anvil

The recess assists the creation of the curve or circle. 2, 3 & 4mm internal diameters. Quality Stainless steel with box joint. 14cm long

To order @ AUD$17 each, please click here How to make a loop instruction page

M02-b click to enlarge

M002g Splitring pliers

Quality BeadSmith stainless steel. Makes it easy to open keyrings and split rings without breaking your fingernails. Measures 140 mm (5 inches) end-to-end.

To order @ AUD$12.95 each, please click here


M002g click to enlarge

M04z Jewellery makers Glue/cement

Precision applicator allows precise amount of cement to be applied to intricate parts for exact placement. Mess Free! Will NOT Bond Fingers!. Great for fine work such as model building, ceramic & plastic repair, fishing lures, watch crystals, jewellery and bead craft, fine screw locking, securing knots.

To order @ AUD$19.95 a tube, please click here

Wire end rounder
or Cup burr tool


The must-have tool for
anyone who cuts wire

Removes the burrs or sharp edges left, after cutting any wire, smooths the ends into a round shape. Simply place the end of the wire in the tiny cup at the end of the tool, and twist the tool. The cup at the end of the tool has abrasive edges in it to file off the burrs.

click to see more

bead reamer tool
Bead Reamer
- small tapered file to clean and/or enlarge the holes in beads. Can be put into a low speed hand drill. To order M002r please click here. Other bead reaming sets are shown below
Deluxe set of bead reamers - click to see price
set of bead reamers - click to see price

beading board - click to see price

Beading board

click to see more detailsUse to layout your designs to see how they look. Markings on the side of the bead board are in inches and centimetres. Get your spacing right for necklaces. Handy recesses for storing the beads while you work. Flocked covering stops beads moving about. Click picture to order


click to see more detailsBead Stopper

Stainless steel bead thread holder, prevents beads sliding off your thread or wire. Made in the USA, simple to use. See instruction movie here. .

Bead nabberThe Bead Nabber

This plastic ring fits over the bottom of your finger making it easy to pick up fiddly beads and hold them steady while you put them onto your needle or headpin. Push the soft "spikey" pad into your beads to "nab" them.

click to order

Prevent Allergy to Jewellery with Jewelry Shield

One in four people has an allergy to alloys present in costume and fine jewelry, glasses, watches, even clasps and snaps found on clothing. They suffer itching and skin irritation. Even more people react adversely to metals: their skin turns black, green, or suffers from an itchy rash

Brushing transparent Jewelry Shield™ onto jewellery and metal accessories creates an invisible shield protecting sensitive and allergy-prone skin

Thanks to Newall's Jewelry Shield™, you can now wear your jewellery without allergic reactions. Jewelry Shield™’s specially patented formula lasts much longer than any other product or remedy available. One application lasts three months, longer than competing products or even clear nail polish.

Bees wax cakes

Conditioning Thread using Bee's Wax
Means stretching the thread and coating it with beeswax. This reduces fraying, tangling and makes sure that gaps don’t appear in the beadwork after it has been worn. Bees wax is ideal for jobs that call for very stiff tension. Use it for brick stitch, weaving or free-form vessels.

To condition thread, place the thread between your thumb and the wax, and pull the thread through. Then press the thread firmly between your thumb and forefinger and pull the thread through quickly. The tension created between your thumb and forefinger does two things: it stretches the thread, and it creates heat and helps work the wax into the thread.

chain holding station- click to order

See all our beading tools here


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keywords: coloured bead wire for craft jewelry wire jellewry craft suppliers thread wire

The Copyright of all images and text on this website are the property of J&W Carmichael

John or Wendy Carmichael, craft.ontheinternet, 53 High St Taree NSW Australia 2430
contact us, Phone 02 6552 4188

This Web page designed and written by John Carmichael
© . Command Computers
Taree NSW Australia 2430
telephone (0265) 52 4188