These instructions were submitted by Jill Smith from Victoria. Jill is happy to correspond with anyone who would like more information: email her at |
Don't throw away the "waste" part of your sticker sheet!
The remaining parts of the sticker sheet, after you peel-off the sticker, can be used to great effect also. To use the waste of the sticker you need: - Sticker waste e.g. stained glass window. Bigger stickers are easier to use first, rather than the ones with too many little bits!
Cut an edge around the sticker waste to have a border if you like. - Use the transfer foil or clear contact a little bigger than sticker waste. (the cheaper the better, gloss or matt it does not matter. - A bone scorer, burnishing tool or even the handle of an old butter knife is ideal. - Card. - craft knife.
O.K. hope this all makes sense!
Peel off backing from contact and place the sticky side over the top of the sticker waste, burnish really well with the bone handle or whatever you choose, something smooth. The more you do the better.
Turn over and peel off the backing from the sticker waste. I have found it easier to peel the paper from the contact rather than peel the contact from the paper!! Hope you get that part!! Keep the paper you are peeling off close to the back of the paper still stuck down as it makes the sticker roll off the paper!!
Not easy to explain on line, I am used to showing how it is done!
This part is the easy part as the sticker should be really stuck to the contact and there is not need to get the tweezers out!! You should now have your sticker stuck to the contact! (hopefully) Now place the sticky side down onto the card, burnish really well again, this is really important this time to make it so much easier for you for the next step. Also by keeping your contact with only a small edge it won't tear your card when removing the contact in the next step! Gloss is the hardest one to use!
Now carefully peel back the contact from the sticker, I find that if you keep the contact tight and low to the contact not peeled off yet, it allows the sticker pieces to roll off onto the card. This is when the craft knife may be needed for some of the tiny or stubborn bits, you can always put the contact back down and burnish a little more to move the sticker onto the card. Keep rolling the contact off keeping it firm until finished. and Voila there it is!! Nifty eh?
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John or Wendy Carmichael, craft.ontheinternet,
53 High St Taree NSW Australia 2430
Phone/fax 02 6552 4188, International: Phone/fax +61 2 6552 4188
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written by John Carmichael
© . Command Computers
telephone (0265) 52 4188
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