Sticker 148Sticker 148Ideas for using Peel-off craft stickers

Peel-off stickers

Techniques & Ideas
for Egg Artistry

by Maureen Williams

A wide range of peel-off sticker packs suitable for egg artistry are available. These metallic stickers are more commonly used to decorate paper, card, plastic, glass, metal, wood and other surfaces. However, for our purposes in egg artistry, achieving the look of deeply embossed precious metal is incredibly easy using these stickers.

trinket box top

To add an elegant accent or special emphasis to your egging designs the outer gold sticker (shown as the black lines in the diagram below) is peeled off the waxy backing paper, leaving the white areas in the picture behind This fine gold outline is then applied to the shell. They can be left as an outline image or filled with glitter or imitation enamel as shown in the picture above

Trinket box side

Reverse Image Stickers

All the little left over pieces (the white areas inside the black lines) are normally discarded. Using the reverse image technique described below, you are able to use all parts of the sticker for decorating purposes

sticker diagram

  • Peel the outside sticker off the backing sheet. (Note: If not using the sticker immediately attach to a piece of waxed paper - an address label backing is ideal)

  • Cover the remaining pieces of the sticker (these are the pieces which are normally discarded) with strips of Micropore or other flexible, removable tape. Press firmly onto all the pieces.

  • Carefully lift the Micropore to remove the sticker pieces from the wax backing sheet. You may need to use a craft blade or pick to ensure all pieces adhere to the Micropore.

  • Position the tape/sticker combination onto your prepared shell. Press gently into place and then carefully remove the Micropore, making sure all pieces attach to the shell..

  • Seal with a couple of coats of Gloss Mod Podge before completing the outside decoration as desired.

Note: Micropore is a type of sticking plaster available at the Chemist or Pharmacy. It is a special non-stick tape, which is ideal to transfer the sticker pieces to the eggshell without sticking fast and damaging the surface.

Eternity - a gift for Mum

Instructions for this design are included in my latest e-book, Bright Ideas & Facets of Egg Artistry - Book Two.
For more information on this book and other instructional books and video cd-rom, visit my web site.

Decorated Eggs by Diamond Innovations
Adelaide, South Australia

Phone/Fax: 61 8 8381 2229